DHSS Child Care Quality Improvement Subgrants
The following Quality Improvement Subgrants are available to qualifying child care centers and family child care homes
that are authorized for the American Samoa Child Care Program. These Subgrants are funded through the American Rescue
Plan Act (ARPA) Stabilization Award that was issued specifically for the Child Care and Development Fund.
For more information, please call the Child Care office at 633-1571.
- Subgrant 1: Employee Retention Incentives (CENTER APPLICATION)
Subgrant 1: Employee Retention Incentives (FAMILY CHILD CARE APPLICATION)
Subgrant 2: Mental Health Support for Children and Employees (CENTER APPLICATION)
Subgrant 2: Mental Health Support for Children and Employees (FAMILY CHILD CARE APPLICATION)
Subgrant 3: Minor Renovations (CENTER APPLICATION)
Subgrant 3: Minor Renovations (FAMILY CHILD CARE APPLICATION)
Subgrant 4: Emergency and Disaster Preparedness (CENTER APPLICATION)
Subgrant 4: Emergency and Disaster Preparedness (FAMILY CHILD CARE APPLICATION)
For more information, call the Child Care office at 633-1571.